Friday, September 07, 2007

Seksyen* = Section*

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means "section" in English.

The above seems to be a government sponsored warning about the use of SMS text messaging, seen at the SultanMuzzaflar blog. Paragraph (2), written in the Kifli Language, seems to be followed by a faithful legal translation in paragraph (1). If so, then the word "seksyen" in Kifli is translated as "section" in English, ie. "Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act of 1998" is translated in Kifli as "Seksyen 233 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998.

This text further confirms our hypothesis that "komunikasi" means "communication" and "dan" means "and."

In addition, this text shows that "akta" is the Kifli word for "act," as in "Communications and Multimedia Act of 1998." Kifli Encyclopedia: "akta"

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