With time, I'll return to this comment and add additional analysis, as it becomes more comprehensible to me.
Contextually, this comment is in response to another anonymous comment that addressed "bahasa Kifli kau, the "Kifli Language."
This comment begins with the introduction, "YTH Anonymous." If this were English, "YTH" would mean something like, "with respect to the comments of Anonymous" or "apropos anonymous." In all likelihood, YTH is an acronym for a Malay phrase with which I am unfamiliar.
Here's the comment:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Thank You "Anonymous," but What Did You Say?":
YTH Anonymous,
Terima kasih kerana anda telah memberi 1 respon yang isinya lebih logikal dan masuk akal berbanding penulis yang memberi respon terhadap "kifli language" spt xis. Apa yang saya perhatikan mereka semua tidak nampak apa yang tersembunyi disebalik pujian yang dilemparkan pada Kiff. Mereka hanya nampak luaran dan yang positif sahaja. Melalui komen anda, saya dapat rasakan yang anda faham apa yang bermain difikiran saya tentang apa tujuan penulis blog "kifli language" yang sebenar. Terus terang saya katakan yang penulis blog ini lebih berminat pada penulisnya. Penilis blog "kiff language" cuba memberi satu impak dan cuba mendapatkan perhatian Kiff. Maafkan sekiranya saya terlalu terbuka dalam menyuarakan pendapat tetapi setelah aktif berblogging selama lebih 6 tahun, saya rasa saya agak arif tujuan sebenar pembukaan blog "kifli language" ini. Saya dikira sebagai seorang yang berfikiran terbuka tetapi, ada juga hal-hal yang saya tidak dapat terima. Harap anda faham maksud ayat ini. Sekali lagi terima kasih kerana secara tidak langsung anda menyokong saya. Salam Mesra.
Blogger 6 tahun
Picking the low-hanging linguistic fruit once again, I notice the following cognates here:
1) Memberi: This may or may not be related to the words "member" and "remember" in English. The word "memberi" is not inconsequential in Malay, because Sedakar uses the word as the title of a blog post and eight times within his text.
The Freedom Spirit also uses the word "memberi" in the title of a blog post and some ten times within a post, including the "memberikan" variation. The word "langsung" appears once within Freedom Spirit's "Bahagia Memberi" post, which references a 2001 film with "Cuba Gooding Jr., Whoopi Goldberg, dan aktor kocak dengan seribu wajah Rowan "Mr. Bean" Atkinson."
The word "penulis" reminds me of the word "pen," and I note that it appears with a quiver in the logo of the Akademi Penulis Karya Bestseller. If there is an "academy" to teach penulis, associated with best-sellers, then perhaps "penulis" means "writing"?
I believe that "Komunitas Penulis Indonesia" may be an Indonesian Writing Community.
Linguistic Curiosities
1) Langsung: The word "langsung" appears both in "Blogger 6 tahun's" text and in the text of the blog post above. In both cases, the word "langsung" appears in the context of a discussion of "memberi." The first syllable of the word "langsung" is similar to the first syllable of the English word "language," which undoubtedly is why it attracts my attention.
The above comment MUST be about writing, both because it uses the word "penulis" and because it comes in the context of a discussion of the writing of the Kifli Encyclopedia.
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