Friday, August 24, 2007

Bekerja* = Work*

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Bekerja means "work,"according to the Free.Translated.Net international, polylinguistic dictionary.

Usage: BalitaCerdas.Com uses the word "bekerja" thirteen times in one article entitled, "Ibu Bekerja & Dampaknya pada Perkembangan Anak."

At, we find the phrase, "Dicari 19 Supervisor cukup bekerja via internet." This leads us to wonder whether "bekerja" means "work," as in "work via the Internet."

At the website of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Jakarta, we find the phrase "Visa masuk untuk tujuan bekerja dan bermukim." In this discussion of visas, the word "bekerja" appears sixteen times, in virtually every paragraph of what appear to be job descriptions, including "profesi."