Monday, August 27, 2007

sen* = cents*

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Sen means "cents," 1/100.

It's a cognate.

Usage: In the Fifth Paragraph of the Target Text, we find the sentence:

Dua kali saya mudik ke seberang sungai, ke perkampungan Melayu,
bayaran yang dikenakan penambangnya juga masih sama, 30 sen dan 50 sen bagi menyeberang ke tempat yang lebih jauh.
The above usage reveals something about the money counting system in Malaysia. Whereas in English we would use the word "eighty," the Malay language seems, at first obvervation, to use the phrase "thirty plus fifty" instead of the word "eighty." But this may simply be a misunderstanding of the text based on a near-total unfamiliarity with the Malay language.