The school song of the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM) (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia) is entitled "Usim Terus Maju."

"I'm always proud of you my motherland! Malysia is the best!

Usage: There is a tour bus company in Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan called "Terus Maju."
The phrase "terus maju" also appears in this discussion of national sovereignty and the World Trade Organization (WTO):Hari kedua, aksi demonstrasi semakin solid dalam menolak WTO dengan slogan " Fix it or nixt it " para demonstran terus maju dalam gempuran pentungan dan gas air mata polisi yang berusaha membubarkan mereka, walaupun 500 orang ditahan polisi namun demonstrasi tidak berhenti. March to Build a Better and Prosperous Asia.
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