Monday, August 27, 2007

Terus Maju* = Motherland*

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The school song of the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM) (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia) is entitled "Usim Terus Maju."

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Merdeka Greeting:

"I'm always proud of you my motherland! Malysia is the best!

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"Terus maju" means ?

Usage: There is a tour bus company in Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan called "Terus Maju."

The phrase "terus maju" also appears in this discussion of national sovereignty and the World Trade Organization (WTO):
Hari kedua, aksi demonstrasi semakin solid dalam menolak WTO dengan slogan " Fix it or nixt it " para demonstran terus maju dalam gempuran pentungan dan gas air mata polisi yang berusaha membubarkan mereka, walaupun 500 orang ditahan polisi namun demonstrasi tidak berhenti. March to Build a Better and Prosperous Asia.