Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tahun* = Year*":
Bodoh, bangang, Buta... !!
apa la kau mengarut ni syaitan? merepek je kau ni dengan bahasa Kifli kau.
-Aku yang melihat kemungkaran Comments at the Encyclopedia
Anonymous, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for leaving this comment, because it strengthens my determination to learn to read Malay, if only so that I can understand what your comment means!
Can anyone out there help me with this?
Greeting francis.
I've read your reason, and definitely understand the intrigue you've felt to study The Malay language. I've been thinking for a while, whether or not i should help u out, by doing the translation of the whole text of what Kifli has written on his page. But after weighing the goods,and the bads, i think i shouldn't be doing that. As people would normally lose interest, and begins to take things lightly once things are attained effortlessly. I think, instead of doing the translation, i'll help you out as a proof reader. So that, i won't take away your fundamental interest/ fun you've feel when learning things on your own. But feel free to drop me mails, when u need some personal assistance in doing the translation, particularly for the words that's isn't available in the dictionary I've given to you through email.
Warm regards!!! :)
YTH Anonymous,
Terima kasih kerana anda telah memberi 1 respon yang isinya lebih logikal dan masuk akal berbanding penulis yang memberi respon terhadap "kifli language" spt xis. Apa yang saya perhatikan mereka semua tidak nampak apa yang tersembunyi disebalik pujian yang dilemparkan pada Kiff. Mereka hanya nampak luaran dan yang positif sahaja. Melalui komen anda, saya dapat rasakan yang anda faham apa yang bermain difikiran saya tentang apa tujuan penulis blog "kifli language" yang sebenar. Terus terang saya katakan yang penulis blog ini lebih berminat pada penulisnya. Penilis blog "kiff language" cuba memberi satu impak dan cuba mendapatkan perhatian Kiff. Maafkan sekiranya saya terlalu terbuka dalam menyuarakan pendapat tetapi setelah aktif berblogging selama lebih 6 tahun, saya rasa saya agak arif tujuan sebenar pembukaan blog "kifli language" ini. Saya dikira sebagai seorang yang berfikiran terbuka tetapi, ada juga hal-hal yang saya tidak dapat terima. Harap anda faham maksud ayat ini. Sekali lagi terima kasih kerana secara tidak langsung anda menyokong saya. Salam Mesra.
Blogger 6 tahun
Dear "Warm Regards:" You are right. If you translated the entire Target Text for me, I would just have to find another text to puzzle over, because puzzling is part of the learning process for me. And it's fun!
Thanks for proofreading my hypothesis.
Dear "Blogger 6 tahun:" You have written such a substantial and thoughtful comment that I am sure it deserves its own diary here, although I don't know what your comment says, exactly.
But, I'm fairly certain your diary has something to do with "penulis," which, I take it, has something to do with writing.
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